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contoh kalimat gothic art

"gothic art" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Gothic art emerged in France in the mid-12th century.
    Kesenian Gothik lahir di Prancis di pertengahan abad ke-12.
  • During this period Gaudí was inspired above all by mediaeval Gothic art, but wanted to improve on its structural solutions.
    Pada period ini, Gaudí sangat terinspirasi oleh seni Gothik abad pertengahan, tetapi ingin memperbaiki solusi strukturalnya.
  • According to the French historian Georges Duby, they are one of the most outstanding examples of Gothic art.
    Menurut seorang sejarawan Prancis Georges Duby, permakaman tersebut merupakan salah satu contoh dari seni Gothik yang sangat terkenal.
  • In many areas, especially Germany, Late Gothic art continued well into the 16th century, before being subsumed into Renaissance art.
    Di banyak daerah, terutama Jerman, seni Gotik masih terus berlanjut sampai abad ke-16, sebelum masuknya seni Renaisan.
  • Gothic art emerged in ?le-de-France, France, in the early 12th century at the Abbey Church of St Denis built by Abbot Suger.
    Seni Gothic muncul di ?le-de-France, Prancis, pada awal abad ke-12 di Gereja Biara St Denis]] yang dibangun oleh Abbot Suger.
  • In its beginning, Gothic art was initially called "French work" (Opus Francigenum), thus attesting the priority of France in the creation of this style.
    Pada awalnya, seni Gotik disebut "karya Prancis" (Opus Francigenum), ini ingin membuktikan bahwa Prancislah yang menciptakan gaya atau seni ini.
  • Later Gothic art was popular at Winchester and Canterbury, examples survive such as Benedictional of St. ?thelwold and Luttrell Psalter.
    Era berikutnya, seni Gotik mulai populer di Winchester dan Canterbury, contoh yang saat ini masih bertahan di antaranya Benedictional of St. ?thelwold dan Luttrell Psalter.